books i read recently...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

- by Richard Bach

it is touted as one of the most inspirational books ever written . i started the book with a skeptical view, but was soon bowled over by the content and its simplicity . its a story about the human potential, about how our apprehensions and inhibitions stop us from achieving the true purpose of our life , about how one should never get discouraged by what chickenlittle say....

it is the story of an ordinary sea gull which becomes extra ordinary just because of its clear thinking and realising the purpose of tis living. its the story of jonathan livingstone seagull.

ordinary sea gulls are just concerned with acquiring food for the day and they hover over the fishing boats or the sea shore looking for dead fish or crumbs of bread. jonathan is vexed up with this and starts practising flight and heez thrilled by how much more there is to life than mere hunting for food . he learns the nuances of flying and breaks the record for fastest flight bya seagull and just when he thinks his folks will congratulate him and seek advice on his return hees shuned and ridiculed , finally hees declared an outcast by an elder who mentions that the main concern of a seagull is to find food and live as long as one can( a very sarcastic mention by the author about how ppl live...)

finally he keeps doing what he loves and he finds a like minded crowd but since he wants to give back to the flock he came from he goes back and inspires few other seagulls to lie for perfection .....

the story wonderfully states how one should realise the actual means and purpose of living and not just mere existence.

it also shows how ppl will shun you whenever you try a path which is not ordinary and mundane, they will even try to pull you down, but glory is in sticking to what one reallyy wants for one self and not just that but practising and finally achieving what you want......

as goes ..." i took the road less travelled and it made all the difference" ...

its a short sweet and of coz very inspiring book . go for it once.


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